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  • If you own one of these 45 Netgear devices, replace it: Kit maker won't patch vulnerable gear despite live proof-of-concept code
  • Oh dear. Secret Huawei enterprise router snoop 'backdoor' was Telnet service, sighs Vodafone
  • Laptops given to British schools came preloaded with remote-access worm
  • Three middle-aged Dutch hackers slipped into Donald Trump's Twitter account days before 2016 US election
  • PuTTY in your hands: SSH client gets patched after RSA key exchange memory vuln spotted
  • Chinese dev jailed and fined for posting DJI's private keys on Github
  • Burn baby burn, plastic inferno! Infosec researchers turn 3D printers into self-immolating suicide machines
  • Don't pay off Ryuk ransomware, warn infoseccers: Its creators borked the decryptor
  • Israel's NSO Group: Our malware? Slurp your cloud backups plus phone data? They've misunderstood
  • Court orders encrypted email biz Tutanota to build a backdoor in user's mailbox, founder says 'this is absurd'

Adobe warns of second critical security hole in Adobe Commerce, Magento

Published: 2022-02-18 19:20:08

Popularity: 15

Author: Gareth Corfield

As sanctioned Russian infosec firm says it has working exploit code Adobe has put out a warning about another critical security bug affecting its Magento/Adobe Commerce product – and IT pros need to install a second patch after an initial update earlier this week failed to fully plug the first one.…


Linux Snap package tool fixes make-me-root bugs

Published: 2022-02-19 00:15:57

Popularity: 15

Author: Gareth Corfield

Or you could think of them as a superuser password reset function The snap-confine tool in the Linux world's Snap software packaging system can be potentially exploited by ordinary users to gain root powers, says Qualys.…


Infosec chap: I found a way to hijack your web accounts, turn on your webcam from Safari – and Apple gave me $100k

Published: 2022-01-26 08:32:13

Popularity: 30

Author: Gareth Corfield

Now you see a harmless PNG. Now it's a malicious payload. Look into my eyes A security bod scored a $100,500 bug bounty from Apple after discovering a vulnerability in Safari on macOS that could have been exploited by a malicious website to potentially access victims' logged-in online accounts – and even their webcams.…


Shrootless: Microsoft found a way to evade Apple's SIP macOS filesystem protection

Published: 2021-10-29 18:01:30

Popularity: 12

Author: Gareth Corfield

LLM Says: "Sneaky microsoft"

Flaw could have let miscreants slide rootkits onto your iDesktop A vulnerability in MacOS that could let a malicious person install rootkits on Apple Macs has been patched, following its discovery and disclosure by Microsoft.…


Researchers find high-severity command injection vuln in Fortinet's web app firewall

Published: 2021-08-18 16:38:08

Popularity: 12

Author: Gareth Corfield

Mitigation: Don't let randomers from the internet log in to your firewall Updated  A command injection vulnerability exists in Fortinet's management interface for its FortiWeb web app firewall, according to infosec firm Rapid7.…


Got a cheap Cisco router in your home office? If it's one of these, there's an exposed RCE hole you need to plug

Published: 2021-08-05 13:28:04

Popularity: 21

Author: Gareth Corfield

Patches issued for two CVE-rated vulns Cisco has published patches for critical vulns affecting the web management interface for some of its Small Business Dual WAN Gigabit routers – including a 9.8-rated nasty.…


8-month suspended sentence for script kiddie who DDoS'd Labour candidate in runup to 2019 UK general election

Published: 2021-06-30 14:02:03

Popularity: 6

Author: Gareth Corfield

Now banned from using Tor or VPNs – and 'vanity' handles on social media A British script kiddie who DDoS'd a Labour Party parliamentary candidate's website in the runup to the last general election has been banned from using the Tor browser.…


Dell SupportAssist contained RCE flaw allowing miscreants to remotely reflash your BIOS with code of their creation

Published: 2021-06-25 17:45:10

Popularity: 73

Author: Gareth Corfield

And it affects 129 models of PC and laptop... or about 30 million computers A chain of four vulnerabilities in Dell's SupportAssist remote firmware update utility could let malicious people run arbitrary code in no fewer than 129 different PCs and laptops models – while impersonating Dell to remotely upload a tampered BIOS.…


We'd love to report on the outcome of the CREST exam cheatsheet probe, but UK infosec body won't publish it

Published: 2021-05-17 10:47:12

Popularity: 21

Author: Gareth Corfield

Why? It might reveal whistleblowers' names... British infosec accreditation body CREST has declared that it will not be publishing its full report into last year's exam-cheating scandal after all, triggering anger from the cybersecurity community.…


Icarus moment: Mozilla Thunderbird was saving OpenPGP keys in plaintext after encryption snafu

Published: 2021-05-24 17:15:05

Popularity: 40

Author: Gareth Corfield

Cockup has since been patched in latest release Mozilla Thunderbird spent the last couple of months saving some users’ OpenPGP keys in plain text – but that’s now been patched, the author of both the bug and the patch fixing it has told The Register.…


Nurserycam horror show: 'Secure' daycare video monitoring product beamed DVR admin creds to all users

Published: 2021-02-18 12:01:09

Popularity: 103

Author: Gareth Corfield

Company has a habit of reacting badly to vuln disclosures Updated  A parental webcam targeted at nursery schools was so poorly designed that anyone who downloaded its mobile app gained access to admin credentials, bypassing intended authentication, according to security pros – with one dad saying its creators brushed off his complaints about insecurities six years ago.…


Chrome zero-day bug that is actively being abused by bad folks affects Edge, Vivaldi, and other Chromium-tinged browsers

Published: 2021-02-05 15:07:04

Popularity: 107

Author: Gareth Corfield

Install your updates pronto If you use Google Chrome or a Chromium-based browser such as Microsoft Edge, update it immediately and/or check it for updates over the coming days: there is a zero-day bug being "actively exploited" in the older version of Chrome that will also affect other vendors' browsers.…


More patches for SolarWinds Orion after researchers find flaw allowing low-priv users to execute code, among others

Published: 2021-02-03 21:25:30

Popularity: 42

Author: Gareth Corfield

Probably not used by last year's US government-busting attackers, though As if that supply chain attack wasn't bad enough, SolarWinds has had to patch its Orion software again after eagle-eyed researchers discovered fresh vulnerabilities – including one that can be exploited to achieve remote code execution.…


Laptops given to British schools came preloaded with remote-access worm

Published: 2021-01-21 17:32:08

Popularity: 1762

Author: Gareth Corfield

Department for Education says: 'We believe this is not widespread' Updated  A shipment of laptops supplied to British schools by the Department for Education to help kids learn under lockdown came preloaded with malware, The Register can reveal.…


Julian Assange will NOT be extradited to the US over WikiLeaks hacking and spy charges, rules British judge

Published: 2021-01-04 12:43:13

Popularity: 152

Author: Gareth Corfield

But it's not over yet: Next step is Uncle Sam's appeal to London's High Court Accused hacker and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should not be extradited to the US to stand trial, Westminster Magistrates' Court has ruled.…


Court orders encrypted email biz Tutanota to build a backdoor in user's mailbox, founder says 'this is absurd'

Published: 2020-12-08 21:07:13

Popularity: 167

Author: Gareth Corfield

Plus: Yet another bod demands end-to-end encryption is broken Tutanota has been served with a court order to backdoor its encrypted email service – a situation founder Matthias Pfau described to The Register as "absurd."…


Three middle-aged Dutch hackers slipped into Donald Trump's Twitter account days before 2016 US election

Published: 2020-09-11 09:07:10

Popularity: 1175

Author: Gareth Corfield

The Orange One was using a password breached four years previously Three “grumpy old hackers” in the Netherlands managed to access Donald Trump’s Twitter account in 2016 by extracting his password from the 2012 Linkedin hack.…


Burn baby burn, plastic inferno! Infosec researchers turn 3D printers into self-immolating suicide machines

Published: 2020-07-31 10:15:09

Popularity: 323

Author: Gareth Corfield

Inflammatory findings from deadly serious investigation Some 3D printers can be flashed with firmware updates downloaded directly from the internet – and an infosec research firm says it has discovered a way to spoof those updates and potentially make the printer catch fire.…


'We stopped ransomware' boasts Blackbaud CEO. And by 'stopped' he means 'got insurance to pay off crooks'

Published: 2020-08-03 14:02:22

Popularity: 64

Author: Gareth Corfield

CRM biz doesn't 'anticipate any kind of material financial impact' but can't say same for those whose data was nicked "We discovered and stopped a sophisticated attempted ransomware attack," Blackbaud CEO Michael Gianoni has told financial analysts – failing to mention the company simply paid off criminal extortionists to end the attack.…


If you own one of these 45 Netgear devices, replace it: Kit maker won't patch vulnerable gear despite live proof-of-concept code

Published: 2020-07-30 11:28:36

Popularity: 2895

Author: Gareth Corfield

That's one way of speeding up the tech refresh cycle Netgear has quietly decided not to patch more than 40 home routers to plug a remote code execution vulnerability – despite security researchers having published proof-of-concept exploit code.…


Fancy that: Hacking airliner systems doesn't make them magically fall out of the sky

Published: 2020-03-04 11:30:10

Popularity: 131

Author: Gareth Corfield

Study finds most A320 pilots shrug, ignore dodgy systems and land safely Airline pilots faced with hacked or spoofed safety systems tend to ignore them – but could cost their airlines big sums of money, an infosec study has found.…


Departing MI5 chief: Break chat app crypto for us, kthxbai

Published: 2020-02-26 17:17:13

Popularity: 62

Author: Gareth Corfield

Sir Andrew Parker also claims UK spies are not doing bulk surveillance British spies are once again stipulating that tech companies break their encryption so life is made easier for state-sponsored eavesdroppers.…


Hospital hacker spared prison after plod find almost 9,000 cardiac images at his home

Published: 2020-01-20 11:30:47

Popularity: 165

Author: Gareth Corfield

NHS working with cops and ICO to determine if patients must be told A Stoke-on-Trent hospital administrator has avoided prison after hacking his NHS trust and helping himself to almost 9,000 heart scan images.…


How to fool infosec wonks into pinning a cyber attack on China, Russia, Iran, whomever

Published: 2019-12-05 15:44:04

Popularity: 120

Author: Gareth Corfield

Learning points, not an instruction manual Black Hat Europe  Faking digital evidence during a cyber attack – planting a false flag – is simple if you know how, as noted infosec veteran Jake Williams told London's Black Hat Europe conference.…


Feds slap $5m bounty on 'Evil Corp' Russian duo accused of running ZeuS, Dridex banking trojans

Published: 2019-12-05 16:49:22

Popularity: 82

Author: Gareth Corfield

Account-draining malware masterminds charged but remain in motherland US prosecutors have slapped a $5m bounty on the heads of two Russian nationals they claim are part of the malware gang behind the banking trojans ZeuS and Dridex.…


Don't pay off Ryuk ransomware, warn infoseccers: Its creators borked the decryptor

Published: 2019-12-10 16:30:11

Popularity: 299

Author: Gareth Corfield

Oracle DBs particularly vulnerable to fake decryptions, say researchers If you're an Oracle database user and are tempted to pay off a Ryuk ransomware infection to get your files back, for pity's sake, don't. The criminals behind it have broken their own decryptor, meaning nobody will be able to unlock files scrambled by the malicious software.…


Israel's NSO Group: Our malware? Slurp your cloud backups plus phone data? They've misunderstood

Published: 2019-07-19 17:00:07

Popularity: 186

Author: Gareth Corfield

After report claimed its sales pitches boasted of doing that Israeli spyware firm NSO Group has denied it developed malware that can steal user data from cloud services run by Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft.…


Iran's blame-it-on-Bitcoin 'leccy shortage probably isn't a US hack cover story... yet

Published: 2019-06-28 18:45:48

Popularity: 99

Author: Gareth Corfield

But just imagine Stuxnet: Consumer Edition Comment  Iran claims that recent surges in electricity demand, leading to blackouts and brownouts, were caused by too many cryptocurrency miners’ power-hungry machines being hooked up to the national grid – though all may not be as it seems.…


Another remote-code execution hole in top database engine SQLite: How it works, and why not to totally freak out

Published: 2019-05-10 17:30:12

Popularity: 148

Author: Gareth Corfield

You know the drill: Patch and stop using C Cisco Talos researchers have uncovered an SQLite use-after-free() vulnerability that could allow an attacker to, in theory, remotely execute code on an affected device.…


Chinese dev jailed and fined for posting DJI's private keys on Github

Published: 2019-04-30 07:10:05

Popularity: 839

Author: Gareth Corfield

Hapless soul repents 'unintentionally' sharing drone makers privates in repo A Chinese software developer who previously expressed suicidal thoughts has been jailed after putting one of drone company DJI's AES private keys onto Github in plain text.…


May Day! PM sacks UK Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson for Huawei 5G green-light 'leak'

Published: 2019-05-01 17:35:25

Popularity: 95

Author: Gareth Corfield

Denies wrongdoing, replaced by one-time junior MoD minister Penny Mordaunt Updated  Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has been sacked from the British government after apparently leaking the news that Blighty isn’t completely banning Huawei from its 5G networks.…


Oh dear. Secret Huawei enterprise router snoop 'backdoor' was Telnet service, sighs Vodafone

Published: 2019-04-30 14:37:49

Popularity: 2424

Author: Gareth Corfield

We all want to see hard proof of deliberate espionage. This is absolutely not it A claimed deliberate spying "backdoor" in Huawei routers used in the core of Vodafone Italy's 3G network was, in fact, a Telnet-based remote debug interface.…


PuTTY in your hands: SSH client gets patched after RSA key exchange memory vuln spotted

Published: 2019-03-19 09:10:08

Popularity: 859

Author: Gareth Corfield

Bunch of bugs stomped with version 0.71 Venerable SSH client PuTTY has received a pile of security patches, with its lead maintainer admitting to the The Register that one fixed a "'game over' level vulnerability".…


TalkTalk kept my email account active for 8 years after I left – now it's spamming my mates

Published: 2019-03-07 09:10:07

Popularity: 137

Author: Gareth Corfield

But ISP won't nuke nuisance without proof of ID Updated  TalkTalk has refused to delete a former customer's email address which was taken over by spammers – because the unfortunate person cancelled their contract eight years ago.…

